Science, Underwater Simon Pierce Science, Underwater Simon Pierce

Fluoro Fishies Enjoy Blacklight Discos. Honest.

Biofluorescence occurs in over 250 fish species, as well as hard corals, jellyfish, mantis shrimps, sea turtles, and other groups. It’s particularly common in “cryptic” species. Many coral reef fish species have vivid color patterns, like angelfishes. “Cryptics,” such as lizardfishes and scorpionfishes, appear well-camouflaged to our eyes.

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Underwater Fluorescence Photography (Reef Raves for Masochists)

Bored of simply trying to take good photos, with complicated equipment, while lying suspended in thick liquid, within an unbreathable, alien environment? Don’t worry, I have a solution. We’ll do all of the above… at night. Also, let’s add a thick mask filter so you can’t see properly.

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